Friday, December 27, 2019
Argument - 1501 Words
Argument The Need for the FBI Over the years, the FBI has grown from a small bureau into a service that not only the nation needs, but also the world. It has helped in many significant cases throughout history, such as Al Capone, the Unabomber, Bonnie and Clyde, and without the FBI, would not have been solved or taken care of as easily (â€Å"Famous Cases†1). These have proven to make the environment a better place to live in. The FBI is needed to protect the country’s safety and the well being of each individual daily. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has grown to be an immune system that is needed, to protect the country, the individual’s and the environment that is lived in every single day, by protecting us from terrorism, cyber†¦show more content†¦(â€Å"FBI History†1). Roosevelt and Bonaparte had a main idea that the people they would hire would be based on their effectiveness and their knowledge. Throughout its first years of service, the bureau did run into a few problems. One of the most imperative is the run in with the Secret Service. The FBI would use agents from the Secret Service to help them with investigations, and Bonaparte did not like this because â€Å"[t]he heart of any investigation is information†(Kronenwetter 61). So, in result of this he wanted just his men working on the investigations, Congress favored him and enabled him to begin his own force. President Roosevelt and Attorney General Bonaparte both ended there run in the FBI in March 1909. The FBI has investigated many cases throughout history, but some of the major ones have had to do with terrorism, such as Al Qaeda or 9/11. The 9/11 case was worked on incredibly hard by the FBI, and â€Å"more than half [their] agents worked to identify the hijackers and their spo nsors and, with other agencies, to head off any possible future attacks†(â€Å"9/11 Investigation†1). Cases like these are the ones that demonstrate that the FBI is essentially needed. By implying â€Å"[t]he United States homeland faces two very different threats from international terrorism†, it is creating a feeling and fear of something wrong that is waiting to happen to the nation (â€Å"FBI†1). With the help of United States FBI to support and examine details, American citizens are moreShow MoreRelatedArgument : Argument For The Workplace1187 Words  | 5 PagesArgument According to Chaffee (2004) argument can be a way of thinking in which certain premises or reasons are offered in support of what is being said or concluded. Regarding disagreements, this word refers to a strong or angry dispute when discussing something. In general, most people can presage a dispute. At the workplace, the best ways to confront disputes is by being prepared for them, or simply avoiding them. Of these two, the best way is avoiding them, but temporarily. 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In an argument, the philosopherRead MoreDescartes Dreaming Argument1420 Words  | 6 PagesThe topic of this essay is Descartes’ First Meditations and I will be discussing in detail the Dreaming argument and the Evil Demon argument. According to Descartes’, â€Å"As I think about this more carefully, I see plainly that there are never any sure signs by means of which being awake can be distinguished from being asleep.†This is the fundamental principle of the Dreaming Argument. The scenarios in which we experience whilst we are asleep are comparable to the scenarios we experience whilst we
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Analysis Of Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mom - 870 Words
â€Å"Excerpt of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom†Amy Chua is a mother of two daughters, (Sophia and Lulu). Being brought up in a strict home with her Chinese parents, Chua felt like she owed everything to her parents and has raised her own daughters as she was raised. Chua is a professor at Yale Law School, who is the author of many books and memoirs including â€Å"Excerpt of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom†. This was published in the Wall Street Journal in 2011. The memoir is about the variations between Chinese and Western parenting styles, but actually, it’s about Chua’s own experience with raising her own children. The memoir was very controversial. Many people misunderstood the true meaning of what Chua was trying to say. She received hate mail and even threats to her family. Chua’s memoir was written to give to clarity about how she was raised as a child and how she felt it worked raising her own children. Even though Chua’s writing was not received well by her audience it was a true reflectio n of her lifestyle. Chua wrote this memoir to describe a style of parenting most commonly used by Chinese parents. Chua addresses the variations between Chinese and Westerns parenting in the introduction, writing â€Å" Despite our squeamishness about cultural stereotypes about cultural stereotypes, there are tons of studies out there showing marked and quantifiable variations between Chinese and Westerns when it comes to parenting†.( Excerpt from Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom pg. 305). Using thisShow MoreRelatedA Psychoanalytic Character Analysis : `` Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mom And A Student Essay989 Words  | 4 PagesA Psychoanalytic Character Analysis Legend has it that the human brain has more neurons than there are stars in the galaxy. It is no wonder that many have tried to analyze the human mind and its complexity and still have not attained a definite answer to a person’s personality. One way to psychoanalyze someone’s consciousness is through the Freudian theory, which was devised by Sigmund Freud, an Australian neurologist considered the father of psychoanalysis. Freud separated his view of the humanRead MoreAnalysis Of Amy Chuas Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mom1291 Words  | 6 Pageswhich they think will help their child succeed in life. Some parents, known as Chinese parents are extremely strict, and on the other end of the spectrum there is western parents, who do not expect as much from their child. In Amy Chua’s â€Å"Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom,†Chua explains what it is like to have Chinese parenting techniques. She attempts to justify the struggles, beliefs, and methods of Chinese paren ts, as compared to western parents, and how they both have the end goal - to prepare theirRead MoreKaren Chua s Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mom880 Words  | 4 PagesChinese parenting style, or â€Å"Tiger Mom†parenting as it is referred to in Dr. Amy Chua’s book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom, however, many other Asian cultures utilize the same, if not, similar method. This method of parenting has received much criticism, especially in the western hemisphere, where it contrasts the â€Å"western†parenting styles. 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This paper is going to analyze how these parenting styles contribute to children growing up with anxiety, narcissism, and low self-esteem as well as discusses the relative strengths and weaknesses of these styles. The three styles of parenting that are mainly the focus right now are tiger parenting, free-range parenting, and helicopter parenting. Tiger parenting is a method brought into noticeRead MoreEssay on Cultural Universals Between United States and China1074 Words  | 5 Pagesand the wife usually have an equality voice in decision-making, and on certain matters, family members are regarded as friend and they should treated equality in daily life. Parenting Style Yale law professor Amy Chua wrote a book named â€Å"Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother†and it talks about parenting styles between the Chinese verses the Western styles. She said that parents who set high standards tend to have kids who are more successful at school. It’s also clear that Chinese parents tend to spend
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Automated System for Managing the Roster-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the automated system for managing the roster of Globex Company at the time of exhibition of RALS. Answer: Introduction The project management is a systematic way to undertake a particular set of tasks so that it can be started and finished on a specific time. The project management needs to be handled carefully by appointing a team having different specialisation required to accomplish work (Kerzner, 2013). The present project is related with Globex corporation who use to organise exhibition of agricultural equipments and related products. For managing all kinds of work concerned with this exhibition, volunteers are required who are managed through a proper roster system. This roster is prepared manually, which is now proposed to be handled through automatic computerised system. For this purpose, the work will be accomplished under project management so that task can be completed within determined time. MOV The above stated project has been developed to install an automatic computerised system that can help in managing rosters and other important information on the system (Burke, 2013). This will replace the manual system of maintaining sheets and other materials for management. Accordingly, the major areas of impact are: Area of impact Impact Strategy Project will help in setting a ingenious strategy to manage team and their schedules. Operational The new automated system will aid in proper assignment of tasks as per the qualification and areas of interest among volunteers. Social As per the current trend of computerised system, this will help in giving appropriate services to clients (Fleming Koppelman, 2016). Customer The number of customers in exhibition will grow following to better arrangements and required information provided by the volunteers. Financial The financial position may get better following to apt arrangements and management. Types of value Better: The proposed computerised system for managing rosters and time schedules will help in delivering better services based on efficient time management (De Bakker, Boonstra Wortmann, 2010). Faster: The manual system of making roster takes a lot of time, therefore new system will help in making the performance faster. Acceptance criteria The project has been completed as per the determined budget and on stipulated time period. The performance of the installed system is appropriate as per the expectation delivering its proper usability. The duration of the project will be from 5th October to 29th November 2017. Scope management plan The projects scope is to develop an automated system that can help in managing roster and schedule of volunteers. As per this the initiation stage describe the proper starting of project by arranging all documents, making a charter of project and submitting the required documents (Alves, 2012). Besides this, next stage of planning will attempt to make a proper outlining of the entire project and various tasks that will be undertaken to accomplish the work. As per this, the next phase of system development will be undertaken where designing of the system will be finalised. On this basis, the final stage of project documentation will be carried out to accomplish all formalities required for proper closure of the project. Name of member Role in project Role and responsibility Vatsava Tummala Project manager Communicate with team members, planning and scheduling along with leading members with proper motivation and analysing risks (Bredillet, Yatim Ruiz, 2010). Raghu Team member 1 Work in cooperation and be in touch with project manager about growth of team and work. Kanishka Team member 2 Well communication, maintaining peace at workplace, manage team work avoiding conflicts. Project schedule WBS Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names 1 Development of an automated system to manage roster and schedule of volunteers 40 days Thu 10/5/17 Wed 11/29/17 1.1 Pre initiation 6 days Thu 10/5/17 Thu 10/12/17 1.1.1 Problem identification 1 day Thu 10/5/17 Thu 10/5/17 Project manager ,Technical head 1.1.2 Drafting project scope 2 days Fri 10/6/17 Mon 10/9/17 3 Project manager 1.1.3 Defining objectives and deliverables 1 day Tue 10/10/17 Tue 10/10/17 4 Planner 1.1.4 Team structuring 2 days Wed 10/11/17 Thu 10/12/17 5,4 Planner 1.2 Planning 14 days Fri 10/13/17 Wed 11/1/17 1.2.1 Budget planning 2 days Fri 10/13/17 Mon 10/16/17 6 Planner 1.2.2 Development of interface 3 days Tue 10/17/17 Thu 10/19/17 8 Technical head 1.2.3 Selection of design 3 days Fri 10/20/17 Tue 10/24/17 9 Technical head 1.2.4 web development plan 4 days Wed 10/25/17 Mon 10/30/17 10,9 Technical head 1.2.5 Plan approval 2 days Tue 10/31/17 Wed 11/1/17 11 Project manager 1.3 Web development 11 days Thu 11/2/17 Thu 11/16/17 1.3.1 Software initiation 2 days Thu 11/2/17 Fri 11/3/17 12 Planner 1.3.2 Coding 4 days Mon 11/6/17 Thu 11/9/17 14 Technical head 1.3.3 Debugging 3 days Fri 11/10/17 Tue 11/14/17 15 Technical head 1.3.4 Finalizing web system 2 days Wed 11/15/17 Thu 11/16/17 16 Project manager 1.4 Monitoring and control 6 days Fri 11/17/17 Fri 11/24/17 1.4.1 System testing 2 days Fri 11/17/17 Mon 11/20/17 17 Technical head 1.4.2 Functionality testing 3 days Tue 11/21/17 Thu 11/23/17 19 Planner 1.4.3 Security evaluation 1 day Fri 11/24/17 Fri 11/24/17 20 Project manager ,Technical head 1.5 Closure 3 days Mon 11/27/17 Wed 11/29/17 1.5.1 Signing off 3 days Mon 11/27/17 Wed 11/29/17 21 Project manager Graphical representation Figure 1 Gantt chart Risk analysis and plan Risk description Cause Internal/External Positive/Negative Likelihood Impact Team conflicts Inefficient team management by manager and inappropriate direction for completing tasks (Lee Yong, 2010). Internal Negative High The project will not be carried out as per the instruction. The progress of project may get impacted negatively. Breakdown in the technical system Appointment of inefficient technical professional who can handle technology related issues. Internal Negative Moderate The automated system will not be developed as per the plan thereby increasing cost in repairs and maintenance of breakdowns in system (Jafari, 2011). Error in project scheduling Significant gap in planning. This may be the result of ineffective research and analysis Internal Negative High Will result in delaying the overall process thus enhancing the overall project cost and time. Quality management plan To manage the quality of proposed plan, the Total quality management approach can be helpful. As per this approach, the manager can make comparisons between performances to identify the differences and rectify it. Thus, for this purpose, standard criteria for performance level can be set and the actual performance can be compared with it. This will show the deviation if any, between both performances, hence, corrective actions can be taken for making improvements (Kerzner, 2013). Here, to resolve issues related to quality can be solved through proper application of tools and techniques. Besides this, the planning must be done effectively by setting budget which should not be disturbed. Closure checklist and evaluation Deliverables Description check Notes Automated computerised system Delivering the new system for managing rosters and schedule of volunteers working for RALS to avoid chaos (Burke, 2013). Check The proposed system development is done and delivered. Functioning To make testing of the system to ensure proper functionality as per the plan Check The new automated system is properly functioning and helping in managing roster activities. Documentation All significant documents are arranged and submitted after paying to all team members. Check A complete documentation is done by fulfilling all formalities (Alves, 2012). Project evaluation Schedule and scope: The project success is highly dependent on its delivery time which should not be exceeded. The present project is completed on time and delivered successfully on stipulated time period. Besides this, the scope of project to install system for handling issue of manually operated rosters has been achieved appropriately (Lee Yong, 2010). Budget and Quality: It is essential that project does not exceed the determined budget. The present project is accomplished as per the set budget and quality is maintained by making corrections in the actual performance as compared to the standard performance. Conclusion The current project has focussed on developing an automated system for managing the roster of Globex Company at the time of exhibition of RALS. On this basis, a project is undertaken to develop the system so that chaos can be avoided. The project has been accomplished by carrying out possible risks so that progress of project cannot be delayed. Besides this, the quality of project is maintained as per the TQM approach by comparing performances. References Books and Journals Alves, A. C., (2012). Project Based Learning in first year, first semester of Industrial Engineering and Management: some results. project management, 19, 20. Bredillet, C., Yatim, F., Ruiz, P. (2010). Project management deployment: The role of cultural factors. International Journal of Project Management, 28(2), 183-193. Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA. De Bakker, K., Boonstra, A., Wortmann, H. (2010). Does risk management contribute to IT project success? A meta-analysis of empirical evidence. International Journal of Project Management, 28(5), 493-503. Fleming, Q. W., Koppelman, J. M. (2016, December). Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Jafari, M. (2011). Development and evaluation of a knowledge risk management model for project-based organizations: a multi-stage study. Management Decision, 49(3), 309-329. Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Lee, S., Yong, H. S. (2010). Distributed agile: project management in a global environment. Empirical Software Engineering, 15(2), 204-217
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
To Be Or Not To Be Translation Essays - Hamlet, Monologues
To Be Or Not To Be Translation Should I or should I not kill myself, that is the question: Is it more sensible to suffer the problem of my fate, or to fight against the dilemmas, Will my resistance end their persistence? To pass away, to repose - By no means - and by death we can stop the agony and the numerous pains that man is exposed to. This is the final settlement of all matters. To perish, to rest; To relax, perhaps to fantasize. There's the obstacle that disturbs and hurts others; When we disguise this horrible reality, then we must rest. There's the consideration we have for the tragedy so long-lived. Who would or could tolerate the problems and pains of life, The tyrant's mistaken, the pride of a man's rudeness, The pain of detested affection, and the delay of justice, the arrogance of officials and the treatment that worthy men receive, When he could possibly settle his own account with a mere dagger. Who would withstand this burden, To suffer and agonize under a hard existence, But the uncertainty of afterlife, The unknown area, which will not let a visitor return, if he takes that course of action, it baffles the mind and makes us endure the pains of life we possess, then to conceive ones that we don't recognize? Consequently, the mind creates chickens of us; and our natural feelings are affected with the fear of our ideas, And we undertake the great risk and the consequences sway us away from our initial and correct course, And we lose the force that drives us. But hush! The pure Ophelia! A beautiful girl who has not undergone change, in my prayers Let all my sins be remembered. Shakespeare Essays
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