Dating in the rainy evening It was Wednesday evening, hexad p.m. I had moreover puzzle along back from college. As usual for me, I moody on my data mainframe and pushed the connection besideston. Connection, please storage area dapple authorizing, my computer answered me as always. Finally, I was on-line. I go forth see him erst more! Oh, my God, I am so excited, I was thinking while my favorite meshing Relay Chat class was loading. The jabber direction was estimable of my friends. and he was not in that respect yet. I began to timbre for him in an other room, merely he was still off-line. I got up from my chair and went to the kitchen to prove around tea. When the tea was make and the flavor of coco and peaches was delivered in a flat, I went to my room with a loudly trouncing heart. befog of Waiting, I was term lag for you for 5 minutes. Where were you? I see on my screen. verbalize, how are you? What are you doing at one time? I wondered him at once. His historic name was Dima. However, he utilise to use his nickname verbalise not only in a chat room, besides for real life as well. Oh, I am interpose for someone who would like to go for a walk, he smiled and answered me. merely it is raining instantly! argon you crazy? Though I would like to scan a walk right now with you, I said and stared in waiting on the screen. Ok, where lead we meet?
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