Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Wood in Construction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Wood in Construction - Essay Example Working with laminates is much harder than working with plywood. The traditional methods of working with screws and nails work well with plywood. However, laminates cannot hold nails since they are weaker hence they are only joined by screws. Laminates and plywood can be compared in terms of their difference in lamination. Laminates are often laminated when they are being manufactured. Plywood, on the other hand, is not pre laminated by the manufacturer (Miller, 1963). Therefore, decorative laminates have to be bought separately, trimmed to size and glued to the plywood during construction. Lastly, laminates and plywood differ in quality. Laminates get damaged easily when exposed to humidity and moisture while plywood is mostly resistant. It is manufactured in various grades ranging from marine grade plywood to moisture resistant ply wood.Today, various types of wood are used in construction. For example, Pine, Douglas fir, and Poplar are often used to make solid wood doors (Meza, 20 13). Wood has been tested and used efficiently over the years for a different variety of structural activities. New houses in the world today are mostly made of wood framed construction. However, one needs to comprehend its weaknesses and strengths in the construction process before using it. The most attractive component of laminates for customers in the construction industry is most likely that it is cheaper when compared to solid wood or plywood. However, plywood is more durable and costlier.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Jail and Prison Comparison Paper Essay Example for Free
Jail and Prison Comparison Paper Essay Jail is usually the first place a person is taken after being arrested by police officers. The authority of states to build, operate, and fill jails can be found in the Tenth Amendment, which has been construed to grant to states the power to pass their own laws to preserve the safety, health, and welfare of their communities. Jail is to protect the public and citizens of county by providing a wide range of constructive, professional correctional services for pre-trial and convicted detainees. Jail is also ensure the safety and welfare of staff, visitors, and offenders by operating facilities and programs in a secure, humane environment which meets professional and standards and constitutional requirements. It reduces the rate to reincarceration by providing offenders with the opportunity for self improvement and the inner resources necessary to make a successful adjustment within the community. An act of 1790 brought about sweeping reforms in the prison and authorized a penitentiary house with 16 cells to be built in the yard of the jail to carry out solitary confinement with labor for hardened atrocious offenders. Jails are run by the county of a state and serve as locally-operated holding places, usually for brief periods of incarceration or as a detention place before and during trial and other legal matters. For example, someone convicted of a misdemeanor crime would be jail. In addition, the sentence must be less than a year. Jails are especially for someone being he ld in custody for trail, or they couldn’t afford bail, or they were just arrested will be held in the county jail, not prison. As such, jails are impermanent county residences, and lack many of the amenities and programs that the large prisons have. Jails are usually run by the sheriff or the local government. According to the Department of Justice, there are approximately 3,600 jails in the United States. On the hand, prisons are federal or state-run. Prisons are generally much bigger and much more high-security levels. Inmates convicted of federal felonies usually go to federal prison, and those convicted of state felonies go to state prison. Prisons often have very elaborate education and vocational training programs, halfway house service, work-release programs, and recreational and entertainment facilities. The original history of the federal prison system started back in the 1890s but it was not until 1930 that president Hoover signed a bill establishing a federal prison system that would actually start the building of actual federal facilities. The federal system had been relying on the state and local levels of government to house their prisoners. The Federal Bureau of Prisons was established within the Department of Justice and charged with the management and regulation of all Federal penal and correctional institutions. This responsibility covered the administration of the 11 Federal prisons in operation at the time. As time has passed and laws have changed, the Bureaus responsibilities have grown, as has the prison population. At the end of 1930, the agency operated 14 facilities for just over 13,000 inmates. By 1940, the Bureau had grown to 24 facilities with 24,360 inmates. Except for a few fluctuations, the number of inmates did not change significantly between 1940 and 1980, when the population was 24,252, according to Federal Bureau of Prison. However, the number of facilities almost doubled from 24 to 44 as the Bureau gradually moved from operating large facilities confining inmates of many security levels to operating smaller facilities that each confined inmates with similar security needs. The federal prison incarcerated for longer time and associated with White Collar criminals. Some of the crimes that fall under federal crimes are drug dealer, political person, false insurance, bank robbery, and many more. On the other hand, the state prison system has been in existence since the early 1800s with the building of Sing Sing state prison. Sing Sing state prison is one of the oldest state penitentiaries in existence today and is still in use. The state prisons also refer to blue collar criminals. The state prison system is devised of a network of small prisons that hold most of the United States prison populations. Since the beginning of penitentiaries in each state growth has been a rising issue. Many states have to provide millions of dollars to their prison systems. Those who commit state or break the state roles, they will automatically be sent to state prison and wait for federal if there is any. Some crimes that can be incarcerated within a state prison such as habitual offender, sex offender, drug user , and other violent crime offender. In the State Prison, there are five security level have been established for correctional facilities and inmates are low security, medium security, high security, and maximum security. Inmates have been conditionally released into the community but remain under the supervision of the Department of Corrections. Low security includes Work Farms, Boot Camps, Forestry Camps, etc. Basically these are either first time low-risk offenders or inmates who have worked themselves up in the system and are possibly on their way out of prison. Being considered low risk, affords the inmate to better living conditions and a few more freedoms. They have earned the trust of the institution. This is why we believe it’s imperative to tell your family member to steer clear of any trouble during their incarceration. Minimum security categorize for inmates coming up in their time or those inmates that have committed a less severe crime. This level of inmate can be trusted and is usually designated as a form of trustee or in a trusted work detail. Medium security, 3 inmates are typical of any placement for someone headed to prison. You must earn the trust from the staff at all levels to work your way up. This level of inmate has some rights and freedoms, but not many. Finally, maximum security is typically in lockdown most of their time and are usually the more violent or feared members of the population. To be housed at this level the inmate must have performed an extremely violent crime. There are basically no freedoms unless the Max inmate is housed with other max inmates, and they are only allowed out for one hour per day. This is not always the case with every prison, jail or detention facility. Some offer multiple programs and allow limited movement, classes, details and freedom for all inmates. According to the Department of Justice, there are minimum security, low security, medium security, and high security in the Federal Prison system. Minimum security institution is also known as Federal Prison Camps have dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing. These institutions are work- and program-oriented; and many are located adjacent to larger institutions or on military bases, where inmates help serve the labor needs of the larger institution or base. Low ecurity Federal Correctional Institutions have double-fenced perimeters, mostly dormitory or cubicle housing, and strong work and program components. The staff-to-inmate ratio in these institutions is higher than in minimum security facilities. Medium security have strengthened perimeters (often double fences with electronic detection systems), mostly cell-type housing, a wide variety of work and treatment programs, an even higher staff-to-inmate ratio than low security FC Is, and even greater internal controls. Finally, High security institutions know as United States Penitentiaries have highly secured perimeters (featuring walls or reinforced fences), multiple- and single-occupant cell housing, the highest staff-to-inmate ratio, and close control of inmate movement. Some of the factors influencing the growth in jail are drug offenders sex offenders, violent offenders, increase in time served women offenders. The corrections system does four fundamental things. The first three, basic life care for offenders, risk identification and risk management, cover the bases of managing offenders. However, only risk reduction â€Å"hits a home run†to significantly affect offender outcomes and community safety. According to the National Institute of Corrections, appropriate treatment reduces recidivism by 30%. In recent years community-based corrections has been trained in and begun implementing evidence-based practices. In recent years community-based corrections has been trained in and begun implementing evidence-based practices.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Natural Feminine in Romanticism: A Commentary Essay -- Gender F
After Bethany and Sarah's presentation, "Nature as Woman," I was interested and confused - as were they, I think - by the multiplicity of contradicting views of nature as it relates to gender. According to dominant views on Romanticism, access to nature required a distinctly feminine perspective. Paradoxically, this feminine perspective, entitled ycleped 'sensibility' was to be taken utilized most effectively by men, yet it rested on 'feminine' "emotion [as] †¦ a more pure response to nature" (Fay 5). According to G.J. Barker-Benfield's The Culture of Sensibility "the sentimentalizing process" involved the temperance of a certain 'manliness' that is "uncouth and savage" (288) unless moderated by a feminine influence, thus woman was to use the so-called 'natural' gifts of her sex to lend culture to her more robust and virile counterpart. On first glance, this moderation of 'manly' characteristics appears to lend legitimacy to 'feminine' ideals; however, this apparent liberation o f the feminine illuminates two very serious problems. First, as Barker-Benfield points out, 'feminine' ideals are privileged, but only as they serve to improve upon man; woman is not idealised in her own right. In this service of a masculine purpose "woman was to be 'fashioned' by men rather than by herself" (288). Second, the seemingly legitimisation of 'feminine' ideals can appear progressive but, as a result, ultimately serves to authenticate an idea of 'natural femininity that is, in the opinion of many a feminist, a repressive patriarchal social construct that lacks any real biological referent. Thus it is very fitting, - but not the least bit subtle - that this artificial idea of femininity should be directly applied to Nature herself. If, as Betha... ...constantly striving and failing to solidify and naturalize its gender assumptions. In the end, gender and patriarchy itself are proven unstable and fundamentally paranoid. Works Cited Bethany and Sarah. "Nature Being Represented as Woman." Romantic Travellers. 10 Feb. 2005. David S. Miall. 18 Feb. 2005. Fay, Elizabeth A. A Feminist Introduction to Romanticism. Malden: Blackwell, 1998. Privett, Anne. "Appropriating Nature: Gilpin, the picturesque and Landscape Gardenting." Appropriating Nature: A Presentation for English 409. 10 Feb. 2005. Khaghan Parker, Anne Privett and Luke Ingberg. 18 Feb, 2005 2006. Mulvey, Laura. "Visual Pleasure in Narrative Cinema." Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. Malden and Oxford: Blackwell, 1998.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mississippi Burning: Reaction paper
The 1988 film tells a fictionalization version of the investigation into the real-life murder of civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1964. The film focuses on the two fictional FBI investigators who go to Mississippi to investigate the murders. The FBI agents are portrayed as heroes who descend into this injustice in the hundreds, however in reality the real FBI agents and the justice department reluctantly protected the Civil Rights workers and the protestors reportedly witnessed the beatings without interfering. Mississippi Burning claims to highlight the injustice of southern society in 1964. The FBI agents are given the job to investigate the disappearance from a Mississippi town. It is made as a point of fact that two of the men were white. The FBI agents, one a former by-the-book Yankee determined never to violate the rights of the interrogated, the other agent, is a local man who has been tainted by the South. He is a streetwise complex character who believes that to handle â€Å"Scum.†You must sink to â€Å"Gutter level.†At first glance the audience recognizes these characters bringing out the old buddy-buddy film formula however, the film expands this cinematic clichà © by becoming an ideological statement. Mississippi Burning brings out the resistance of a Southern community to change from an old way of thinking at a time when anti-liberal values of a small town in America still seem right when the Supreme Court is chipping away at the achievements of the 1960’s. The films message is that all these battles have to be fought again and much harder than before at any cost for the lives of the men who were unjustly killed. Order#31113448 Mississippi Burning Pg.2 The film like â€Å"Birth a Nation,†is stereotypical is historically inaccurate. Black men in â€Å"Birth A Nation,†are portrayed as shiftless, lazy, rapist, criminals whereas the black men in Mississippi Burning are seen as only mute victims. Southerners are portrayed as red-necked, ignorant, racists who are all members of the KLAN. The Klan is doing the church burnings, cross burnings, lynching and murders of the three activists however, everyone does not want to speak up because of fear of retribution from the KLAN and the mutual bigotry that is rampant in town. The KLAN is a major terrorist force that keeps the people in town quiet. The investigators become the embodiment of the conflict, which is the essence of the film. A diner scene where the investigators enters an obvious segregated diner question a black kid who was brutally beaten up the KLAN. Another is when the investigators visit the Deputy’s wife in the hospital where it is found the KLAN beat her because she helped the FBI agents. The investigators end their personal differences to come together as a force at the end of the film to resolve the central problem. Anderson hires someone to get out important crucial information from the Mayor of the town with threats of castration. The FBI agents create a mock execution to frighten the criminals into revealing the truth by chasing the deputy with a razor blade. The crime is resolved with all the rednecks, the deputy and their co-conspirators sent to jail. The FBI agents leave with a mutual understanding, which shows the strength of the film. There isn’t a sense that racism has been abolished and seems instead to be left with a sense of shifting despair and hope. -Works Sited- Mississippi Burning. Directed by Alan Parker, written by Chris Gerolmo, Crime Drama, 1988                                             Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Policy Analysis of the Medicare Prescription Drug Savings and Choice Act of 2005
This paper looks at the Medicare Prescription Drug Savings and Choice Act of 2005, also known as the Medicare D Drug plan.The paper will look at its’ historical underpinnings, an overview into how the policy started, view into the policy itself, as well as an analysis of itâ€â€whether the policy is really giving benefits to its intended beneficiaries. This paper however, contends that the Medicare D drug plan is not sufficiently meeting the needs of those who are its beneficiaries. Before the arguments as to whether the policy is effective or not however, it may well be first necessary to look at and understand the policy.The Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Plan and Choice Plan, otherwise known as Medicare D Drug plan was aimed to supplement or enhance the original Medicare program. The Medicare D drug plan was passed into what is known as the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act or MMA legislation. It was enacted by the Bush administration in 20 03. Benefits from the program started only recently, in January 2006. (â€Å"Medicare Part D†, 2006)Medicare D drug benefit plan is a voluntary outpatient prescription drug benefit for people under the Medicare programâ€â€beneficiaries include the elderly (over 65 years of age) and diseased beneficiaries (end stage renal disease patients, for example) (â€Å"Medicare (United States)†, 2006).Simply stated, the Medicare D Drug plan is a type of insurance to seniors and other disabled citizens who may not be able to anticipate or pay for the high cost of medicine. The Medicare program works with many private insurance and other companies to bring these seniors a variety of plans. (Lieberman, 2006)The original Medicare program previously had two parts: part A and part B. Part A of the program covers hospital care for inpatients, skilled nursing services, health care for patients at home, as well as other health services. Part B, on the other hand covers a wide range of frequently used health services, examples of which are doctor visits and diagnostic testing. (â€Å"Medicare Savings Program†, 2005)Because of former problems with the previous Medicare program such that it was ineffective as cited, â€Å"when President Bush came into office, Medicare was outdated and not meeting the needs of American seniors.†Hence, legislation was passed into Congress and the President signed into law what was to modernize the Medicare programâ€â€this was by providing preventive care, offering of more choices to seniors and most of all giving seniors’ better access to prescription drugs that they need, the Medicare D Drug plan.(â€Å"Strengthening Medicare: A Framework to Modernize and Improve Medicare†, 2005)Furthermore, with the revolutionizing of the Medicare D drug plan, President Bush has concentrated on preventative health careâ€â€it was believed that if diseases were caught early, these diseases would be easier to cure. In addition to that objective, a need existed to revolutionize the original Medicare program and this was due to â€Å"gaps†in the original Medicare plan coverage (â€Å"Choosing a Medigap Policy to Supplement the Original Medicare Plan â€Å", 2006).Changes in the original Medicare policy involved a means testing. This means that a higher income (and this includes Social Security benefits) would consequently mean a higher pay for Medicare beneficiaries. To illustrate the point: Medicare beneficiaries would see their premiums increase dramatically before they die, i.e. they retire at an age of 65, live until 95, but have an inflation of 3%; without working out the numbers this already clearly shows that beneficiaries aren’t getting benefits.The next generation of Medicare beneficiaries is said to have to pay the full price of their Medicare benefit from the beginning of their retirement, despite of paying Medicare taxes their entire life. Hence, the 2003 legislation was enactedâ€â€to eliminate the effect of inflation on income. (â€Å"Medicare (United States)†, 2006)
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
BELL Surname Meaning and Family History
BELL Surname Meaning and Family History The Bell surname may derive from the French bel, meaning fair , beautiful, or handsome. Since the derivation is descriptive, common ancestry cannot be assumed for all those bearing the surname. The name was sometimes taken from the sign of an inn or shop. The sign of a bell was frequently used - John at the Bell became John Bell. There is no particular country or province of origin, though the name was fairly prevalent in medieval Scotland and England. Bell is the 67th most popular surname in the United States and the 36th most common surname in Scotland. Mitchell is also popular in England, coming in as the 58th most common surname. Surname Origin:  Scottish, English Alternate Surname Spellings:  BELLE, BEALE, BEAL, BEALS, BEALES, BALE, BEEL, BIEHL, BALE, BEALL Where is the BELL Surname Most Common? According to surname distribution from Forebears, Bell is a fairly common surname in a number of English-speaking countries, including the United States (ranked 64th), England (60th), Australia (46th), Scotland (43rd), New Zealand (46th) and Canada (77th). Within the British Isles, according to WorldNames PublicProfiler, the Bell last name is most common in the northern areas, including Scotland, Northern Ireland, and the North of England. Famous People with the Last Name BELL Alexander Graham Bell - Scottish-born American inventor; known for his patent for the telephoneGertrude Bell - British writer, archaeologist and political officer best known for helping to establish modern Iraq after World War I.Cool Papa Bell - Hall of Fame baseball pitcher who played in the Negro National LeagueJohn Bell - U.S. Senator from Tennessee who ran for U.S. President on the Constitutional Union ticket in 1860Glen Bell - American entrepreneur who founded Taco Bell Genealogy Resources for the Surname BELL 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their MeaningsSmith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census? Bell Family Crest - Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Bell family crest or coat of arms for the Bell surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. The Bell Surname DNA ProjectIndividuals with the Bell surname are invited to participate in this group DNA project in an attempt to learn more about Bell family origins around the world. The website includes information on the project, the research done to date, and instructions on how to participate. BELL Family Genealogy ForumThis free message board is focused on descendants of Bell ancestors around the world. FamilySearch - BELL GenealogyExplore over 4 million results from digitized historical records and lineage-linked family trees related to the Bell surname on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. BELL Surname Mailing ListFree mailing list for researchers of the Bell surname and its variations includes subscription details and a searchable archives of past messages. - BELL Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Bell. GeneaNet - Bell RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Bell surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries. The Bell Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Bell surname from the website of Genealogy Today.- References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998. Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back toGlossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the greatest and most ingenious men that history has produced. His contributions in the areas of art, science, and humanity are still among the most important that a single man has put forth, definitely making his a life worth knowing. Da Vinci, born on April 15, 1452, is credited with being a master painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, and scientist. He was born an illegitimate child to Catherina, a peasant girl. His father was Ser Piero da Vinci, a public notary for the city of Florence, Italy. For the first four years of his life he lived with his mother in the small village of Vinci, directly outside of the great center of the Renaissance, Florence. Catherina was a poor woman, with possible artistic talent, the genetic basis of Leonardo’s talents. Upon the realization of Leonardo’s potential, his father took the boy to live with him and his wife in Florence (Why did). This was the start of the boy’s education and his q uest for knowledge. Leonardo was recognized by many to be a â€Å"Renaissance child†because of his many talents. As a boy, Leonardo was described as being handsome, strong, and agile. He had keen powers of observation, an imagination, and the ability to detach himself from the world around him. At an early age Leonardo became interested in subjects such as botany, geology, animals (specifically birds), the motion of water, and shadows (About Leonardo). At the age of 17, in about 1469, Leonardo was apprenticed as a garzone (studio boy) to Andrea del Verrocchio, the leading Florentine painter and sculptor of his day. In Verrocchio’s workshop Leonardo was introduced to many techniques, from the painting of altarpieces and panel pictures to the creation of large sculptural projects in marble and bronze. In 1472 he was accepted in the painter’s guild of Florence, and worked there for about six years. While there, Leonardo often painted portions of Verrocchio’ s paintings f... Free Essays on Da Vinci Free Essays on Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the greatest and most ingenious men that history has produced. His contributions in the areas of art, science, and humanity are still among the most important that a single man has put forth, definitely making his a life worth knowing. Da Vinci, born on April 15, 1452, is credited with being a master painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, and scientist. He was born an illegitimate child to Catherina, a peasant girl. His father was Ser Piero da Vinci, a public notary for the city of Florence, Italy. For the first four years of his life he lived with his mother in the small village of Vinci, directly outside of the great center of the Renaissance, Florence. Catherina was a poor woman, with possible artistic talent, the genetic basis of Leonardo’s talents. Upon the realization of Leonardo’s potential, his father took the boy to live with him and his wife in Florence (Why did). This was the start of the boy’s education and his q uest for knowledge. Leonardo was recognized by many to be a â€Å"Renaissance child†because of his many talents. As a boy, Leonardo was described as being handsome, strong, and agile. He had keen powers of observation, an imagination, and the ability to detach himself from the world around him. At an early age Leonardo became interested in subjects such as botany, geology, animals (specifically birds), the motion of water, and shadows (About Leonardo). At the age of 17, in about 1469, Leonardo was apprenticed as a garzone (studio boy) to Andrea del Verrocchio, the leading Florentine painter and sculptor of his day. In Verrocchio’s workshop Leonardo was introduced to many techniques, from the painting of altarpieces and panel pictures to the creation of large sculptural projects in marble and bronze. In 1472 he was accepted in the painter’s guild of Florence, and worked there for about six years. While there, Leonardo often painted portions of Verrocchio’ s paintings f... Free Essays on Da Vinci Da Vinci I chose Leonardo Da Vinci as the greatest renissance personality. I chose Da Vinci because he made many contributions to the time period. Da Vinci was an artist, a scientist, and a philosopher. A lot of the famous artists and thinkers of the time weren’t recognized as being great for many years after their death. The kings and other important people of the time recognized Da Vinci as a great artist. This is why I chose Da Vinci as the greatest renissance personality. Leonardo Da Vinci was born in 1452 on his father’s estate in Vinci, Italy. At 15 his father had noticed Leonardo’s potential and had decided to send him to be an apprentice to the artist Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence. This was also when he first developed an interest in anatomy. In 1482, Leonardo was hired by the duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza, to be artist and engineer. He stayed in Milan for seventeen years. There he completed five paintings: two portraits of the 'Last Supper', two versions of 'The Virgin of the Rocks', and a decorative ceiling painting in the Castello Sforzesco. In Florence, he was commissioned to do a number of paintings, but other interests and tasks kept him from finishing them. The most well known piece to survive from this time period was the famous "Mona Lisa". During the years 1513 to 1516, Leonardo was in Rome at the invitation of Cardinal Giuliano de' Medici, brother of Pope Leo X. His work in painting and sculpture over the next seven years remained mostly in the planning stage. But his scientific work flourished. He continued his notebooks with observations and drawings of human anatomy, optics, mechanics, and botanical studies. In 1516, at the age of 65, he accepted an invitation from Francis I, king of France, to leave Italy and work for him. Leonardo spent the last three years of his life in the palace of Cloux, near the king's residence at Amboise, near Tours. He was given the title of "first painter, arch...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Ordinal Number Definition and Examples
Ordinal Number Definition and Examples An ordinal number is a number that indicates position or order in relation to other numbers: first, second, third, and so on. Contrast these types of numbers with cardinal numbers (in math theyre also called natural numbers and integers), those numbers that represent countable quantity. Ordinal numbers do not represent quantity, notes Mark Andrew Lim, but rather indicate rank and position, such as the fifth car, the twenty†fourth bar, the second highest marks, and so on(The Handbook of Technical Analysis, 2012). Learning Ordinals If you are teaching ordinals to English language learners, introduce the concept by reviewing cardinal numbers. Then continue with the ordinals to contrast the concepts. Also, introduce the term last as a position vocabulary word. Examples of Ordinals All ordinal numbers carry a suffix: -nd, -rd, -st, or -th. Ordinal numbers can be written as words (second, third) or as numerals followed by abbreviations (2nd, 3rd). first (1st)second (2nd)third (3rd)fourth (4th)fifth (5th)sixth (6th)seventh (7th)eighth (8th)ninth (9th)tenth (10th)eleventh (11th)twelfth (12th)twentieth (20th)twenty-first (21st)twenty-second (22nd)twenty-third (23rd)twenty-fourth (24th)thirtieth (30th)one hundredth (100th)one thousandth (1,000th)one millionth (1,000,000th)one billionth (1,000,000,000th) Using Ordinal Numbers and Cardinal Numbers Together When a cardinal number and an ordinal number modify the same noun, the ordinal number always precedes the cardinal number: The first two operations were the most difficult to watch. The second three innings were quite dull. In the first example, the ordinal number first precedes the cardinal number two. Both first and two are determiners. In the second example, the ordinal number second precedes the cardinal number three. Both second and three are determiners. Try reading the sentences with the ordinal and cardinal numbers reversed. They simply sound wrong.(Michael Strumpf and Auriel Douglas, The Grammar Bible. Owl Books, 2004) More Tips on Using Ordinal Numbers Spell out ordinal numbers- first, second, third, fourth- except when quoting from another source. In the interests of saving space, they may also be expressed in numerals in notes and references. ... Use words for ordinal numbers in names, and for numerical street names ... : the Third Reich the Fourth Estate a fifth columnist Sixth Avenue a Seventh-Day Adventist ... Use figures for ages expressed in cardinal numbers, and words for ages expressed as ordinal numbers or decades: a girl of 15 a 33-year-old man between her teens and twenties in his 33rd year (R. M. Ritter, New Harts Rules: The Handbook of Style for Writers and Editors. Oxford University Press, 2005) Do not use the ordinal (th, st, rd, nd) form of numbers when writing the complete date: January 15 is the date for the examination. However, you may use the ordinal suffixes if you use only the day: The 15th is the date for the examination. ... Write out ordinal numbers when they contain just one word: third prize, tenth in line, sixtieth anniversary, fifteenth birthday. Use numerals for the others: the 52nd state, the 21st Amendment.(Val Dumond, Grammar for Grownups. HarperCollins, 1993)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pontiacs Rebellion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words
Pontiacs Rebellion - Research Paper Example The United States as we know of it today went through many phases of colonization and some brutal wars since; a Spanish voyager who was exploring new trade routes first discovered it. The indigenous people of the American lands had for long shielded their World from the colonizing European Powers. Little is known about the history of North America before. History records that the Native Americans came to the North American region 10,000 years before it became America. They crossed over from Asia by land, which would have been the Bering Straits. They developed into individual nations who are believed to have spoken over 1000 languages. People within a group or nation however spoke the same language. The Native Americans were very spiritual people who did not believe people should rule or take over any land. They believed that all that God or the spirits had bestowed upon them belonged equally to everyone. These beliefs probably were the main influences of John Locke’s politica l theories in the first and second Treatises of Government. The history of the Native Americans is filled with their struggle to hold on to these lands that they believed were given to them by a higher power. These indigenous people spread their roots over many different parts of North America and made use of what the land, water and life provided for them. It is recorded that there were almost 15 to 20 million. Native Americans already living in the land when Columbus sailed to the North American shores in 1492.... By the 19th century there were more Europeans in the America’s who had migrated from their respective countries. The French tried to colonize North America and part of Canadian Quebec but the other European powers proved too much for them and eventually invaded parts of Louisiana and the Appalachian region and shared the Caribbean islands and some of Dominica with the British and the Dutch. Conflict started when the British tried to usurp the island of St Martin and thus started the seven years war between the French an the British between the years 1756 to 1763, which was a war fought between all the major European powers. These wars also resulted in many treaties that changed the face of history. The notable among those is the treaty signed between the French and the British in 1763 called the treaty of Paris. This treaty was signed between the French and British along with the Spanish and in the presence of Portugal. By the signing of this treaty, most of the disputed terri tories were returned back to their original invaders with the British taking over a good part of North America. France lost its control over the Dominic islands and most of the Caribbean islands. The treaty of Paris also coincided with the French-Indian war over possession of French Louisiana. The French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, began in 1754. The cause of the war was a race for possession of the same territory, the trans-Appalachian region. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, France ceded almost all of its territory in mainland North America, but retained fishing rights off Newfoundland and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, two small islands where it could dry that fish. In turn, France gained the return of its sugar colony,
International Business FINAL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
International Business FINAL - Essay Example The trend of distributing the production networks all over the world offers a firm the advantages like competitive edge and cost cutting. Competitive edge is achieved when the firm’s produced products are sold all over the world bringing in a good amount of profit. Cost cutting takes place when the firm’s production system takes into consideration and exploits all the cheap factors of production that are available in different parts of the world at cheaper price. 2. Globalization has created lots of changes throughout the world. The changes introduced both positive and negative impacts on the countries. It is believed that the developed countries reap the maximum benefit out of the process of globalization. The developed nations shift their production units to the places where the cost of production will be cheaper. The cheaper production cost helps the nation to generate more profit from the sale of their produced products. This is helping the economy of certain develo ped nations to prosper and grow. However on the other hand the underdeveloped nations and the developing nations are constantly losing their resources which are being purchased by the wealthy nations for the purpose of manufacturing products and services which in turn are again being sold in the developing or underdeveloped nations. Thus it has become a topic of debate that addresses the issue whether globalization is a blessing or a curse. The positive side of globalization is that it enhances the job opportunities and economy across the world. But the negative side denotes that since the developed nations are shifting their plants to the overseas nations due to the availability of cheap resources, the labor there are getting under paid in comparison to the labors of the developed nations. Therefore despite the creation of job opportunities, globalization also creates disparity in the amount of wages received by the workers of the developed and developing nations. 3. Religion is on e of the important elements of culture. Religion determines whether a person is Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, etc that implies which God does the person believes in and which rituals related to their religion does they follow. Globalization has created the integration of all the religions and this has affected the business operations to a great extent. For example the case of McDonalds can be taken into account in this respect. McDonalds prepare different kind of fast foods that contain both vegetarian and non vegetarian items. The non vegetarian foods contain chicken, egg, fish, beef, lamb, pork etc. However McDonalds have eliminated beef and pork from its wide range of menu while entering the Indian market, since the Indian market included people from both Hindu and Muslim religions and beef and pork are restricted for these two religions respectively. Moreover religion affects the language, dressing style, values and morals of a person. Thus the business operations get highly i nfluenced by these factors as these are the elements that form the basis of a human being. 4. The term culture includes the behavior, beliefs, arts, languages, institutions, etc. of an individual. Culture decides how a person should behave at a social
Friday, October 18, 2019
Outline the main features of ethnographic research and discuss when Assignment
Outline the main features of ethnographic research and discuss when and how it might be used - Assignment Example These are naturalism, understanding and discovery. Naturalism is the view that social research should capture the human beings in their natural environment directly. Understanding conveys that human beings do not give out fixed responses each time and each response has to be understood individually. Lastly, ethnographic research is defined as being inductive or discovery-based, rather than merely testing hypothesis. According to ethnography, cultural understandings need to be identified for research interest. An ethnographic study can overestimate the role of cultural perceptions or underestimate the role of objective forces. Ethnography can identify the relevant community of interest though often this isn’t easy. Factors like community, formal organization, informal group, and individual-level perceptions may affect the subject of study. An ethnographic focus may overestimate the role of community culture and underestimate the casual role of individual psychological or of sub-community forces. It is also believed that the researcher has complete knowledge of the subject under study including the language and customs of the population. In this case, the researcher may get influenced by his or her own culture during the
Individual report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Individual report - Essay Example Online operation has also enabled the Sky PLC to effectively communicate the features and other factors relating to their services to their customers and potential customers. On their website customers can create their own accounts making it easier for customers to access any information that they want regarding the company’s services. Development of a tailored user interface and activities enables Sky to support and enrich its sustainable business practices. The entertainment industry is a difficult industry to penetrate and as much difficult for a company to maintain its hold on the market. Sky faces a lot of competition from equally able companies such as Virgin Atlantic. To keep its hold on the market and more so to maintain its hold of its present customers, it becomes exigent to diversify its marketing techniques and such way is through the use of electronic media, especially the internet (Miletsky 2009 p. 217). The advent of satellite made it possible for Sky to boost its market position. The marketing objectives for Sky have always been to create fresh interest and demand for Sky and to make sure potential customers understand the benefits that come along with using Sky’s products. However, as much as this is necessary or seems necessary in keeping a business going, an extra component of awareness is added to complement this. The campaign and communications have also become an integral part of Sky Digital’s marketing mix embracing public relations (PR), sponsorship and consumer promotions, in-store marketing, branding and direct marketing activities (Whalen 2009 p. 172). Focus on e-marketing has proved to be important in most industries, with the target market carving the direction the company takes. For Sky, the major part of its business is aimed at providing digital content. Their target market is divided depending on the content. For example, films would suit film lovers and couples, home banking would suit busy, career minded people and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A Memoir tells a story of an important moment in our lives and its Essay
A Memoir tells a story of an important moment in our lives and its significance to us - Essay Example Many of them were standing here and there, talking in groups. Some of them expressed the dislike and arrogance to the new comers. As a student who, at the first time coming out of the security of home, I was homesick and worried very much. I did not see any one really. How can I, since I was blind with tears? Many of them were using English fluently. They asked something to me also. I did not give a reply since I was unable to open my mouth. At that moment I noticed one girl standing among the old students of the hostel. They were asking her many questions .It was not a dialogue, but it was an interview that I heard. From there conversation I came to know that her name was Treesa. I did not see a tint of fear or agitation on the face of that girl. She was bold and courageous. I also felt a slight admiration for her at any corner my heart. Sometimes I wished to become someone like her. Treesa became the favorite one for all among the new comers. She talked well and also became friendl y with all the students within one day. I found her consoling some other students who were bitterly crying for keeping themselves away from their kith and kin. I heard many others talking about Treesa. Though I felt friendly with her I did not show that forwardness to her. That day came!, the day on which we wanted to self –introduce to the inmates of the hostel . Usually it was after one week of the entry. I heard many stories about that day from some of the seniors who were friendly to me. Among them there was a girl who had fainted during the question hour. But now she was the chief among those fellows to interview the new ‘preys ‘. The session was divided into three. During the first part which lasted for three or four minutes, we wanted to introduce ourselves. The second part which was also lasted for three or four minutes, they would ask some questions to us. In the last session, we wanted to present a programme, a song, mono act ,dance or any other item whi ch they felt, would entertain them . I had already learned one song. All of us were expressing each other the worries and thoughts about the ‘impending disaster ‘, which would envelop them at any moment. All were prepared well with at least some programme and I overheard some of them even practicing the same secretly in their rooms. But our Treesa was very confident all the time. Some prickly girls even commented that since Treesa was the pet of all she would not have to face a tough time with the inmates. Somehow it started!!. Those who finished their session expressed the relief in many different ways. It was the time for Treesa. Everybody pierced through the sides to see what would happen on stage. Treesa introduced herself. The audience asked her to sing a song. She sang melodiously and the applause lasted even for one minute. Suddenly everybody heard a piercing sound. â€Å"Will you sing a fast number?†Yes, very coolly she accepted. Everybody enjoyed it well . For the second time another question came,†a rock please†. She did that also well. The chief among them came with a different one â€Å" What about a raga†, To the amazement of all, with same unstirred mind, Treesa sang a beautiful raga. Treesa confronted with another question now. â€Å"Who taught you these songs†. â€Å"My DAD†, the answer came soon. What is your father? , â€Å"He is a business man†. Where is your Dad doing business, What kind business is he doing? There were many questions ... but the answer was â€Å"
Popular Music and the Moving Image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Popular Music and the Moving Image - Essay Example Historically silent films are characterized by certain elements that defined them. These are Projection Speed, title cards, physical acting techniques and music and sound. In the absence of the spoken dialogue, title cards that comprised of printed or drawn frames of text inserted between the film frequencies to serve different roles. The particular types of title cards used in the silent films included dialogue and expository interties. The former were primarily used in conveying dialogue while the latter was used in providing supplemental narrative material whenever what was photographed could not express the full situation by itself. Essentially, the title cards were utilized by the filmmakers in the silent era to add more detail to the films in case the films developed into novelties that entertained a lot. Fundamentally, filmmakers were able to expand their potential to enhance on their storytelling by including some aspects of dialogue and in a way, the title cards served as na rration techniques (Marks, 1997).Another historical element of the silent films was live music and sound. Contrary to today’s films containing spoken dialogue and synched music in the background. The silent films were accompanied by a phonograph recording or live music such as a guitarist or pianist that was critical in reinforcing the mood of a movie and also provided the audience with emotional cues. The above narration explains why there were piano accompaniments in small towns plus the singers.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
A Memoir tells a story of an important moment in our lives and its Essay
A Memoir tells a story of an important moment in our lives and its significance to us - Essay Example Many of them were standing here and there, talking in groups. Some of them expressed the dislike and arrogance to the new comers. As a student who, at the first time coming out of the security of home, I was homesick and worried very much. I did not see any one really. How can I, since I was blind with tears? Many of them were using English fluently. They asked something to me also. I did not give a reply since I was unable to open my mouth. At that moment I noticed one girl standing among the old students of the hostel. They were asking her many questions .It was not a dialogue, but it was an interview that I heard. From there conversation I came to know that her name was Treesa. I did not see a tint of fear or agitation on the face of that girl. She was bold and courageous. I also felt a slight admiration for her at any corner my heart. Sometimes I wished to become someone like her. Treesa became the favorite one for all among the new comers. She talked well and also became friendl y with all the students within one day. I found her consoling some other students who were bitterly crying for keeping themselves away from their kith and kin. I heard many others talking about Treesa. Though I felt friendly with her I did not show that forwardness to her. That day came!, the day on which we wanted to self –introduce to the inmates of the hostel . Usually it was after one week of the entry. I heard many stories about that day from some of the seniors who were friendly to me. Among them there was a girl who had fainted during the question hour. But now she was the chief among those fellows to interview the new ‘preys ‘. The session was divided into three. During the first part which lasted for three or four minutes, we wanted to introduce ourselves. The second part which was also lasted for three or four minutes, they would ask some questions to us. In the last session, we wanted to present a programme, a song, mono act ,dance or any other item whi ch they felt, would entertain them . I had already learned one song. All of us were expressing each other the worries and thoughts about the ‘impending disaster ‘, which would envelop them at any moment. All were prepared well with at least some programme and I overheard some of them even practicing the same secretly in their rooms. But our Treesa was very confident all the time. Some prickly girls even commented that since Treesa was the pet of all she would not have to face a tough time with the inmates. Somehow it started!!. Those who finished their session expressed the relief in many different ways. It was the time for Treesa. Everybody pierced through the sides to see what would happen on stage. Treesa introduced herself. The audience asked her to sing a song. She sang melodiously and the applause lasted even for one minute. Suddenly everybody heard a piercing sound. â€Å"Will you sing a fast number?†Yes, very coolly she accepted. Everybody enjoyed it well . For the second time another question came,†a rock please†. She did that also well. The chief among them came with a different one â€Å" What about a raga†, To the amazement of all, with same unstirred mind, Treesa sang a beautiful raga. Treesa confronted with another question now. â€Å"Who taught you these songs†. â€Å"My DAD†, the answer came soon. What is your father? , â€Å"He is a business man†. Where is your Dad doing business, What kind business is he doing? There were many questions ... but the answer was â€Å"
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Management - Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management - Diversity - Essay Example Moreover, empathy can result in discouraging organizational subcultures to form. Subcultures ostracize those outside them, and a sense of superiority in those who form parts thereof, however, a little empathy, even if learned/forced, can go a long way in mutual respect, resulting in the discouragement of such subcultures to be formed. 2. Overcoming differences for effective teamwork: it is all but natural for organizational employees to have differences in their personalities and ideals. Effective and successful teamwork is a must-have in any organization’s operations. Often, teamwork is hampered when employees cannot overcome their differences, sometimes resulting in all out confrontations. An organization that fosters diversity needs to train its employees in ways to overcome their differences for effective teamwork, so that the organization’s operations can run successfully and smoothly. 3. Inclusivity of various different employees of the organization as much as pos sible: it is important that none of the employees feel sidelined in an organization, especially based on their personal differences (e.g. gender, class, ethnicity, religion etc.). Organizational work, as well as employee morale, is adversely affected if employees feel that the organization does not value them or their opinion. ... ss dealings with abroad: whether it is the organizational employees inter se or organizational employees and organizational foreign clients, it is very important for them to be sensitive to the cultural differences and the nuances these differences bear. In inter-office dealings, cultural intelligence can lead to a friendlier work environment, where all employees feel their beliefs are respected; whereas in international dealings, cultural sensitivity and intelligence can result in success along with avoiding the organization embarrassment. There are myriads of ways to attain these objectives, however, some of them can include the following: 1. Just like other regular training workshops and seminars, training regarding diversity can also involve having guest speakers and lecturers, coming from diverse background to come and talk to the employees. These lectures/talks can involve various topics dealing with diversity and can help the employees gain a better understanding of problems f acing the minority at work. 2. There can be an hour or two set aside, every two or four weeks, for employees to share their personal stories, where they relate their personal diversity experiences. Negative and positive both aspects should be equally highlighted. Just like there is a need for employees to learn what to avoid, they need to learn what would be a good thing to do in certain situations with regard to diversity. This can also foster a sense of inclusion in the employees, as well as make them feel that their voices are being heard. 3. An informal office party, where everyone is invited is a good idea, however, to make it more interesting (or more â€Å"diversity training efficient†) the employees can be asked to socialize/interact with those different than them once they are at
Monday, October 14, 2019
Economics question and answer Essay Example for Free
Economics question and answer Essay Economics: question and answer Introduction Question 1     War unrest in Middle East has negatively impacted on the price and quantity of oil in the market. The expectation of war from Syria and Iraq to spread to Middle East countries cause fear of possible shortages of supply as people may possibly do without oil. As a result people will buy more to store in preparation for future shortages. As the demand increases, price of oil goes up as people anticipate war unrest in the near future. When eventually the war sets in oil production is disrupted but people do not demand more since they had enough to cushion the scarcity (Kemp, 2013). In the graph illustration below, assuming the market was initially at the equilibrium. Since scarcity is expected in future people will by more (high demand) to spare for future. As the demand increase from 150 units to 350 units, the price also increases accordingly from $0.25 to $ 0.35. Graphical illustration 3411220146431000 Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 1: when people expect civil unrest the demand is high but and the prices go up. Question 2     Car and petro are complimentary good that are consumed together. Taxation on one of the complimentary products greatly influences the price of the other good. The increase in price of one good causes a corresponding decrease in the price of the other good and vice versa. For instance, taxing petrol increase its price, leading to high demand for high fuel efficient cars. Increase in demand for high fuel efficient cars results to increased price and vice versa. On the other hand increase in price for petrol leads to decrease in demand for low fuel efficient cars thus leading to their low price (Dwivedi, 2012). Many thus will buy high fuel efficient cars Graphical illustration Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 2: price of petrol increases when tax is imposed Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 3 this graph shows increase in demand and price for high fuel efficient when the price for petrol increases due to taxation Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 4: the graph show decrease in demand for high fuel efficient cars when the price of petrol goes up Question 3     The fact that suppliers cannot sell live chicken directly to consumers coupled with the fear of mass death due to anticipated chicken flu results to high supply in the market. When supply increases beyond demand the price falls down. In addition since the health official are the only buyers a monopolistic competition comes into play since the price for chicken is not control by the market forces of demand and supply (Taylor, Weerapana, 2012). The equilibrium the will shift to the right. Graphical illustration lefttop Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 5 : Excess supplies of chicken in the market results to low demand and eventually falls in price. The farmer expects future unfavorable condition due to outbreak of chicken flue. Question 4 Price elasticity of demand is the measure of responsive of the quantity demanded of a product to price change with other factors held ( Dwivedi, 2012). Price Elasticity of Demand (PEoD) = percentage change in quantity demanded (%ÃŽâ€Q) à · percentage change in price (%ÃŽâ€P) %ÃŽâ€Q = 35 -50 / 50 Ãâ€"100 = -30% %ÃŽâ€P = 8 -6 / 6 Ãâ€"100 = 33.33% Therefore, PEoD = -30 %/ 33.33% = -0.900     As economists we are not interested with the negative sign of our price elasticity of demand and therefore we take the absolute value. Therefore, the price elasticity of demand when price increases from $6 to $ 8 is 0.9. Interpretation.     For the above case the demand for the good is price inelastic. This means that the demand for the product does not respond highly ton price changes. As evident in the computation, an increase of price by 33.3 % of the price results to a corresponding decrease of quantity demanded by 30%. The demand thus is not very sensitive to price changes. Question 5(a)     Externality is an effect or a cost of the consumer behavior that may not be borne by the consumer but by the society. This mean s that the effects are caused by the consumer but the society bears the consequences. Tobacco smoking is among the activities that cause externalities. For instance narcotic in tobacco is believed to cause lung cancer to smokers. However the external cost of providing medical care to smokers is borne by non-smokers, by smokers and the government. Additionally environmental pollution due to smoking is borne by the family members of the smoker’s friends and even non-smokers strangers. Moreover, smoking has environmental externalities that involve deforestation to create room for tobacco growing. Agrochemical used in tobacco production also adds to environmental pollution and degradation. Cigarette wastes are common in all cities, sidewalks and around homes. Although majority of these wastes are biodegradable, the filter and plastic wr appers and remain in the environment for long and the consequences of such pollution are felt by the larger society. 5(b)     The Australian government in its attempt to control and minimize the external costs resulting from tobacco imposes high tax on tobacco. High taxation on tobacco increases the cost and as a result the demand for tobacco decreases. The tax imposed is transferred by producers to the consumers (smokers). When this happens, the demand curve will shift from right to left as indicated in the graph. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 6: (Tax increase the price for tobacco leading to low demand and eventually low consumption) Question 6     When entry barriers are eliminated in the market huge number of firms enters the industry resulting to excessive supply of commodities. In a market where entry barriers are limited the price of commodities is determined by the market forces since no firm has control over the market. Excessive supply that is created results to low prices of goods and services offered. In response the price the price goes down due to competition from other firm. As a result, the profit that firms were making initially decreases due. Graphical illustration 1627833top00 Question 7     Oligopolistic market structures is a type of market where by small number of larger firms control the market jointly. The firms trade in almost similar goods. Oligopolistic firms do not engage in price competetion (Vives, 2001).Basing our argument on the game theory; where the actions one firm depend on those of other firms, it is evident that when for instance one firm lowers its price compared to other firms, customers will be attracted by the lower prices resulting to other firms making economical loss in their operation. In response to this the other will lower their price slighted below the initial firm eventually attracting the customers. The other firms in the market will make loss and eventually respond by making their prices much lower compared to other firms. This process continues until the firms sell at economically a low price that is illustrated by kinked curves (Vives, 2001).There to remain competitive and make profit do not engage in price competiti on. Alternatives to price completion     Oligopolistic firms compete by using alternative modes such as advertisement, product differentiation and barrier to entry in the market. Oligopolistic firms undertake a vigorous advertisement of their products both in national and international levels. Advertisement is made to make potential customers aware of the existence of the product in the market and the good qualities associated with such good and services (Taylor Weerapana, 2012). Advertisement is carried out through mass media and product promotion. In addition oligopolistic firms constantly differentiate their products in terms of quality and always struggle to come up with new products design that outshine those of competitors. In the recent era product differentiation has been enhanced by ever growing technology and innovation. Since oligopolistic firms compete in almost similar goods and services coming up with new products with good qualities gives a firm advantage over its market rivals. For instan ce phones manufacturing firms have constantly developed phone with new applications to remain competitive.     Furthermore, the firms create market entry barriers to new firms, a strategy that ensures that the existing share of market. The common market barriers include the patent rights, important government franchises and the existing economies of scale. These barriers ensure that the market is not flooded by many firms that in the long run may reduce the existing firms’ share of the market control. References Dwivedi, D. N. (2012). Microeconomics. New Delhi, India: Pearson Education/Dorling Kindersley. Kemp, G. (2013). War with Iran: Political, military, and economic consequences. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman Littlefield Publishers Taylor, J. B., Weerapana, A. (2012). Principles of microeconomics. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning Vives, X. (2001). Oligopoly pricing: Old ideas and new tools. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press Source document
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Design of Shaft | Basis of rigidity
Design of Shaft | Basis of rigidity DESIGN OF SHAFT ON THE BASIS OF RIGIDITY AND STRENGTH CALCULATION AND ANGLE OF TWIST Design of Shaft: †¢ A shaft is a rotating member usually of circular crossection (solid or hollow), which is used to transmit power and rotational motion. Axles are non rotating member. †¢ Elements such as gears, pulleys (sheaves), flywheels , clutches , and sprockets are mounted on the shaft and are used to transmit power from the driving device(motor or engine) through a machine. †¢ The rotational force (torque) is transmitted to these elements on the shaft by press fit, keys, dowel, pins. †¢ The shaft rotates on rolling contact or bush bearings. †¢ Various types of retaining rings, thrust bearings, grooves and steps in the shaft are used to take up axial loads and locate the rotating elements. Design of Shafts on the Basis of Rigidity: †¢ Shafts must be rigid enough to avoid excessive deflection †¢ Two types of rigidity:  § Torsional rigidity  § Lateral rigidity Torsional Rigidity: †¢ Important for camshafts where timing of the valves are important †¢ Estimate the total angle of twist in radians †¢ Use torsion equation Lateral Rigidity: †¢ Important for  § Transmission shafting  § Shafts running at high speed †¢ Lateral deflection must be minimised to avoid:  § Gear teeth alignment problems  § Bearing related problems †¢ The lateral deflection (y) and the slope (ÃŽ ¸) may be determined by equations from the strength of materials Design of Shafts Based on Strength: Stresses in Shafts: †¢ Shear stresses due to torsional load †¢ Bending stresses due to the forces coming from gears, pulleys, etc. †¢ Stresses due to combined torsional and bending loads Angle of twist for circular members: Angle of twist : When one end of shaft is fixed and the other end is twisted, the angle twisted is the angle of twist. Find the relative rotation of section B-B with respect to section A-A of the solid elastic shaft as shown in the when a constant torque T is being transmitted through it. The polar moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area J is constant. Concepts involved: Angle of twist in circular members Formulae used: ÃŽ ¸=∠« Txdx/JG Where, Æ= Angle of twist Tx = torque at distance x Jx = polar moment of area at distance x G = Shear modulus Solution: Step 1: Here neither torque nor J changes with x so, Tx = T and Jx = J And limit is between 0 to L so we get: ÃŽ ¸=TL/JG Note: In applying the above equation, note particularly that the angle Æmust be expressed in radians. Also observe the great similarity of this relation equation Ά=PL/AE, for axially loaded bars. Here Æ⇆ΆT⇆P, J⇆Α, and G⇆E. By the analogy, this equation can be recast to express the torsional spring constant, or torsional stiffness, kt as Kt = T/ÃŽ ¸ = JG /L [N-m/rad] This constant torque required to cause a rotation of 1 radian, i.e., Æ= 1. It depends only on the material properties and the size of the member. As for axially loaded bars, one can visualize torsion members as springs. The reciprocal of kt defines the torsional flexibility ft. Hence, for a circular solid or hollow shaft. ft = 1/kt = L / JG [ rad/N-m] This constant defines the rotation resulting from application of a unit torque, i.e., T = 1. On multiplying by the torque T, one obtains the current equation . Shaft Design: Shaft Design consists primarily of the determination of the correct shaft diameter to ensure satisfactory strength and rigidity when the shaft is transmitting power under various operating and loading conditions. Shafts are usually circular in cross section, and may be either hollow or solid. Design of shafts of ductile materials, based on strength, is controlled by the maximum shear theory. And the shafts of brittle material would be designed on the basis of the maximum normal stress theory. Various loads subjected on Shafting are torsion, bending and axial loads. Torsional stresses: (Ä) The Torsional formula is given by: T/J=G ÃŽ ¸/L=Ä/r Here T=torque or Torsional moment, N-mm J=polar moment of inertia, mm4 = À d4/32 ,Where d is the solid shaft diameter. = À( do 4- d i 4 ) /32 Where do and di are outer and inner diameter of the hollow shaft respectively. G=Modulus of elasticity in shear or modulus of rigidity, MPa ÃŽ ¸=Angle of twist, radians l= Length of shaft , mm r= Distance from the Neutral axis to the top most fibre , mm = d/2 (For solid shaft) = do /2(For hollow shaft) Shear (Ä) stress on the outer surface of a shaft, for a torque (T) : For solid circular section:  · Ä = Tr / J = 16T / À d3 For hollow circular section:  · Ä = Tr / J =16T do / À do 4- d i 4 ) Design of Shafts for Fatigue (Fluctuating Loads): †¢ Shafts are generally subjected to fluctuating torques and bending moments may fail due to fatigue †¢ Combined shock and fatigue factors must be taken into account †¢ Modify the equivalent twisting and bending moments. Power Transmitting Shaft: * Shaft Design consists primarily of the determination of the correct shaft diameter to ensure satisfactory strength and rigidity when the shaft is transmitting power under various operating and loading conditions. Shafts are usually circular in cross section, and may be either hollow or solid. * Design of shafts of ductile materials, based on strength, is controlled by the maximum shear theory. And the shafts of brittle material would be designed on the basis of the maximum normal stress theory. * Various loads subjected on Shafting are torsion, bending and axial loads. Crank Shaft: * A crankshaft is used to convert reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion or vice versa. The crankshaft consists of the shaft parts, which revolve in the main bearings, the crank pins to which the big ends of the connecting rod are connected, the crank arms or webs, which connect the crankpins, and the shaft parts. The crankshaft, depending upon the position of crank, may be divided into the following two types. * The crankshaft is the principal member of the crank train or crank assembly, which latter converts the reciprocating motion of the pistons into rotary motion. It is subjected to both torsional and bending stresses, and in modern high-speed, multi-cylinder engines these stresses may be greatly increased by resonance, which not only renders the engine noisy, but also may fracture the shaft. In addition, the crankshaft has both supporting bearings (or main bearings) and crankpin bearings, and all of its bearing surfaces must be sufficiently large so that the unit bearing load cannot become excessive even under the most unfavorable conditions. At high speeds the bearing loads are due in large part to dynamic forces-inertia and centrifugal. Fortunately, loads on main bearings due to centrifugal force can be reduced, and even completely eliminated, by the provision of suitable counterweights. All dynamic forces increase as the square of the speed of rotation. (i.e. FDynamic↑â‡⠀™Speed2↑) REFRENCES: * Engineering mechanics static and dynamics my A.K. Tayal * * Mechaical Sciences by G.K. LAL *
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Zoos: Pitiful Dirty Prisons Essay -- essays research papers fc
Zoos: Pitiful Dirty Prisons If you have ever stepped into a zoo, you have stepped into a prison in which the inmates are defenseless and innocent, the sentence is long, and the penalty is cruel and severe. Zoos are not made for educational purposes but for entertainment, they do not benefit animals but push them toward extinction. "Zoos range in size and quality from cage-less parks to small roadside menageries with concrete slabs and iron bars." (Zoos: Pitiful Prisons.) The larger the zoo and the greater the number and variety of the animals it contains, the more it costs to provide quality care for the animals. Although more than 112 million people visit zoos in the U.S. and Canada every year, most zoos operate at a loss and must find ways to cut costs (which sometimes means selling animals) or add gimmicks that will attract visitors. (Zoos: Pitiful Prisons.) Zoo officials often consider profits over the animals' well- being.(Zoos: Pitiful Prisons.) A former director of the Atlanta Zoo once rem arked that he was "too far removed from the animals; they're the last thing I worry about with all the other problems." (Zoos: Pitiful Prisons.) Zoos are nothing more than animal prisons maintained for human amusement, not for education. ("Zoocheck".) Most zoo enclosures are quite small, and labels provide little more information than the species name, diet, and natural range. (Zoos: Pitiful Prisons.) The animals' normal behavior is seldom discussed, much less observed, because their natural needs are seldom met. Birds' wings may be clipped so they cannot fly, aquatic animals often have little water, and the many animals who naturally live in large herds or family groups are often kept alone or, at most, in pairs. (Zoos: Pitiful Prisons.) Natural hunting and mating behaviors are virtually eliminated by regulated feeding and breeding regimens. (Zoos: Pitiful Prisons.) The animals are closely confined, lack privacy, and have little opportunity for mental stimulation or physical exercise. Animals forced to endure such confinement often display abnormal and self-destructive behavior called "Zoochosis".(Zo os: Pitiful Prisons.) Zoochosis is a mental illness; symptoms include pacing, neck twisting, and other repetitive behaviors.("Zoocheck".) &... ...oadside zoos at all costs. If no one visits these substandard operations, they will be forced to close down. Contact PETA and start your own "Zoocheck" program in your local zoo. Zoos claim that they are good for research, but the purpose of most zoos' research is to find ways to breed and maintain more animals in captivity. If zoos ceased to exist, so would the need for most of their research. The key to saving exotic animals lies in saving their habitat, not removing them from it only to be placed in an unnatural and abusive environment.("Zoocheck".) Works Cited Zoo Target of "Bloody" Protest Over African Elephants PETA News Release Zoocheck PETA's Action for Activists 21, Nov. 1999 Zoos:Pitiful Prisons Campaigns 21, Nov. 1999
Friday, October 11, 2019
Incorrigible Children Book Essay
In the beginning of the book, the main characters start to make progress towards their goals. When Alexander is trying to learn his name the closest he can come to is â€Å"Loyally†(55). Even if Alexander did not get his name correct, I?s hard to pronounce his name. Alexander hard work may have not gotten him to his goal, but it was an improvement from howling. After a long day of working on not chasing squirrels, â€Å"The children would quiver and tremble†¦ But they were soon able to resist actually chasing the squirrels for whole minutes at a time†(89). All the children tried very hard.Along with the children's hard work they improved on kicking their squirrel chasing habits. The beginning of the book, the main character goals are becoming slightly closer As the book progresses the main characters determination has started to pay off. Lady Constance was somewhat pleased when Penelope told her the children††¦ Have learned the words for many common it ems, such as ball, doily and so forth†(70). Lady Constance is seeing improvements in the children because of Penelope' work toward the kids. If it wasn't for Pongee's interest in the kids there would be no improvement in their education.The kids not know enough words to be creative and recite a poem that goes, â€Å"Moon, moon, moon. Night, no moon? Dark. Night, yes moon? Light! Yes, moon! Ahwooooo†(92). Penelope is thrilled to know that the poetry she has read the children has inspired them to creativity is proving that the kids are starting to live normal-sis lives. As the book progresses what the main characters have done is starting help them. At the end of the book the main characters realize that hard work really does pay off. â€Å"Alexander. Please to make your acquaintance†(193).Alexander has earned to talk and is greeting guests at the Lady and Lord's Christmas party. At the beginning of the book, Alexander could not talk at all. In the beginning of the book progress is made to completing the goals Penelope has set for the children. Later on in the story some of the smaller goals have been met in civilizing the children. Finally at the end of the book, all of the hard work paid off and the children have taken the first step to becoming more like normal children. Mayors Wood used her book, The Incorrigible Children of Gaston Place, to show the readers that if you try hard, you will never fail.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Child and young person development Essay
Task 2 – Explain the difference between sequence of development and rate of development and why the difference is important. The sequence of development is the order in which development takes place. Although some stages of development may be missed (for example some babies do not crawl and go straight from shuffling to walking) the sequence is usually followed by children and the order usually remains the same. The rate of development is the time-frame given for the average development of a child expected at a certain age, i.e. at one has started to walk. All children are unique and will develop at their own rate. The rate of development is just a guideline. For example: some babies start teething from 6 months and some of them start at 9 months. Some babies can start making sentences at around 1 year; others can only speak few broken words. Read more: Rate of development essay The sequence of development generally remains the same. The rate of development can change considerably and many other factors such as individual growth patterns, social background, health and nutrition, disability and learning difficulties can have an effect on it. It is important to know the difference between the sequence and rate of development as it helps to meet the children’s individual needs. It helps you recognise if any children have special educational needs and helps you plan to make sure they are getting the help and support they may need. Practitioners must have a good understanding of the child development rates. Practitioners should: †¢Carry out assessment and observation effectively. It is required for practitioners to make development comparisons between a child’s actual development stage and expected development rates. †¢Offer appropriate activities and experiences. This will be informed by observation, monitoring and assessment of individual children. †¢Anticipate the next stage of a child’s development. This allows the practitioner to provide activities and experiences that will challenge and interest children, therefore, stimulating the child’s learning development. †¢Notice when children are not progressing as expected. Although children develop at different rates, significant delays in one area or many delays in several areas can be an indication that children need intervention and extra support.
Hazards of e-Waste
Hazards of Electronic waste Electronic waste, e-waste, e-scrap, or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) describes loosely discarded, surplus, obsolete, or broken electrical or electronic devices. Informal processing of electronic waste in developing countries causes serious health and pollution problems. Some electronic scrap components, such as CRTs, contain contaminants such as lead, cadmium, beryllium, mercury, and brominated flame retardants.Even in developed countries recycling and disposal of e-waste may involve significant risk to workers and communities and great care must e taken to avoid unsafe exposure in recycling operations and leaching of material such as heavy metals from landfills and incinerator ashes. Scrap industry and USA EPA officials agree that materials should be managed with caution,and environmental dangers of unused electronics have not been exaggerated.Definitions â€Å"Electronic waste†may be defined as all secondary computers, entertai nment device electronics, mobile phones, and other items such as television sets and refrigerators, whether sold, donated, or discarded by their original owners. This definition includes sed electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal. Others define the re-usables (working and repairable electronics) and secondary scrap (copper, steel, plastic, etc. to be â€Å"commodities†, and reserve the term â€Å"waste†for residue or material which was represented as working or repairable but which is dumped or disposed or discarded by the buyer rather than recycled, including residue from reuse and recycling operations. Because loads of surplus electronics are frequently commingled (good, recyclable, and non-recyclable), several public olicy advocates apply the term â€Å"e-waste†broadly to all surplus electronics. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) includes discarded CRT monitors in its category of â€Å"hazard ous household waste†. l] but considers CRTs set aside for testing to be commodities if they are not discarded, speculatively accumulated, or left unprotected from weather and other damage. Debate continues over the distinction between â€Å"commodity†and â€Å"waste†electronics definitions. Some exporters are accused of deliberately leaving difficult-to-recycle, obsolete, or non- epairable equipment mixed in loads of working equipment (though this may also come through ignorance, or to avoid more costly treatment processes).Protectionists may broaden the definition of â€Å"waste†electronics in order to protect domestic markets from working secondary equipment. The high value of the computer recycling subset of electronic waste (working and reusable laptops, desktops, and components like RAM) can help pay the cost of transportation for a larger number of worthless pieces than can be achieved with display devices, which have less (or negative) scrap valu e.Problems Rapid changes in technology, changes in media (tapes, software, MP3), falling prices, and planned obsolescence have resulted in a fast-growing surplus of electronic waste around the glo e b . Dave Krucn o as For Laptops, regards electronic waste as a â€Å"rapidly expanding†issue. [2] Technical solutions are available, but in most cases a legal framework, a collection system, logistics, and other services need to be implemented before a technical solution can be applied. An estimated 50 million tons of E-waste is produced each year.The USA discards 30 million computers each ear and 100 million phones are disposed of in Europe each year. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that only 15-20% of e-waste is recycled, the rest of these electronics go directly into landfills and incinerators. According to a report by UNEP titled, â€Å"Recycling – from E-waste to Resources,†the amount of e-waste being produced – including mobile phones and computers – could rise by as much as 500 percent over the next decade in some countries, such as India [3].The United States is the world leader in producing electronic waste, tossing away about 3 million tonnes each year. China already produces about 2. million tonnes (2010 estimate) domestically, second only to the United States. And, despite having banned e-waste imports, China remains a major e-waste dumping ground for developed countries Electrical waste contains hazardous but also valuable and scarce materials. Up to 60 elements can be found in complex electronics. In the United States, an estimated 70% of heavy metals in landfills comes from discarded electronics.While there is agreement that the number of discarded electronic devices is increasing, there is considerable disagreement about the relative risk (compared to automobile scrap, for xample), and strong disagreement whether curtailing trade in used electronics will improve conditions, or make them worse. Accor ding to an article in Motherboard, attempts to restrict the trade have driven reputable companies out of the supply chain, with unintended consequences. Electrical waste contains hazardous but also valuable and scarce materials. Up to 60 elements can be found in complex electronics.In the United States, an estimated 70% of heavy metals in landfills comes from discarded electronics. While there is agreement that the number of discarded electronic devices is increasing, there is considerable disagreement about the elative risk (compared to automobile scrap, for example), and strong disagreement whether curtailing trade in used electronics will improve conditions, or make them worse. According to an article in Motherboard, attempts to restrict the trade have driven reputable companies out of the supply chain, with unintended consequences.Global trade issuesOne theory is that increased regulation of electronic waste and concern over the environmental harm in mature economies creates an economic disincentive to remove residues prior to export. Critics of trade in used electronics aintain that it is too easy for brokers calling themselves recyclers to export unscreened electronic waste to developing countries, such as China, India and parts of Africa, thus avoiding the expense of removing items like bad cathode ray tubes (the processing of which is expensive and difficult). The developing countries are becoming big dump yards of e-waste.Proponents of international trade point to the success of fair trade programs in other industries, where cooperation has led creation of sustainable Jobs, and can bring affordable technology in countries where repair and reuse rates are higher. Defenders of the trade in used electronics say that extraction of metals from virgin mining has also been shifted to developing countries. Hard-rock mining of copper, silver, gold and other materials extracted from electronics is considered tar more environmentally damaging than the recycling ot those materials.They also state that repair and reuse of computers and televisions has become a â€Å"lost art†in wealthier nations, and that refurbishing has traditionally been a path to development. South Korea, Taiwan, and southern China all excelled in finding â€Å"retained value†in used goods, and in some cases have set up billion-dollar ndustries in refurbishing used ink cartridges, single-use cameras, and working CRTs. Refurbishing has traditionally been a threat to established manufacturing, and simple protectionism explains some criticism of the trade.Works like â€Å"The Waste Makers†by Vance Packard explain some of the criticism of exports of working product, for example the ban on import of tested working Pentium 4 laptops to China, or the bans on export of used surplus working electronics by Japan. Opponents of surplus electronics exports argue that lower environmental and labor standards, cheap labor, and the relatively high value of recover ed raw materials leads to a ransfer of pollution-generating activities, such as burning of copper wire.In China, Malaysia, India, Kenya, and various African countries, electronic waste is being sent to these countries for processing, sometimes illegally. Many surplus laptops are routed to developing nations as â€Å"dumping grounds for e-waste†. Because the United States has not ratified the Basel Convention or its Ban Amendment, and has no domestic laws forbidding the export of toxic waste, the Basel Action Network estimates that about 80% of the electronic waste directed to recycling in the U. S. does not get ecycled there at all, but is put on container ships and sent to countries such as China.This figure is disputed as an exaggeration by the EPA, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, and the World Reuse, Repair and Recycling Association. Independent research by Arizona State University showed that 87-88% of imported used computers did not have a higher value than the best value of the constituent materials they contained, and that â€Å"the official trade in end-of-life computers is thus driven by reuse as opposed to Guiyu in the Shantou region of China, Delhi and Bangalore in India as well as the Agbogbloshie site near Accra, Ghana have lectronic waste processing areas.Uncontrolled burning, disassembly, and disposal causes a variety of environmental problems such as groundwater contamination, atmospheric pollution, or even water pollution either by immediate discharge or due to surface runoff (especially near coastal areas), as well as health problems including occupational safety and health effects among those directly and indirectly involved, due to the methods of processing the waste. Thousands of men, women, and children are employed in highly polluting, primitive recycling technologies, extracting he metals, toners, and plastics from computers and other electronic waste.Recent studies show that 7 out of 10 children in this region have too much lead in their blood Proponents of the trade say growth of internet access is a stronger correlation to trade than poverty. Haiti is poor and closer to the port of New York than southeast Asia, but far more electronic waste is exported from New York to Asia than to Haiti. Thousands of men, women, and children are employed in reuse, refurbishing, repair, and remanufacturing, unsustainable industries in decline in developed countries.Denying developing nations access to used electronics may deny them sustainable employment, affordable products, and internet access, or force them to deal with even less scrupulous suppliers. In a series of seven articles for The Atlantic, Shanghai-based reporter Adam Minter describes many ot these computer repair and scrap separation activities as objectively sustainable. Opponents of the trade argue that developing countries utilize methods that are more harmful and more wasteful. An expedient and prevalent method is simply to toss equipment o nto an open fire, in order to melt plastics and to burn away unvaluable metals.This releases carcinogens and neurotoxins into the air, contributing to an acrid, lingering smog. These noxious fumes include dioxins and furans. [18] Bonfire refuse can be disposed of quickly into drainage ditches or waterways feeding the ocean or local water supplies. Recycling Today the electronic waste recycling business is in all areas of the developed world a large and rapidly consolidating business. Part of this evolution has involved greater diversion of electronic waste from energy-intensive downcycling processes (e. . , conventional recycling), where equipment is reverted to a raw material form. This iversion is achieved through reuse and refurbishing. The environmental and social benefits of reuse include diminished demand for new products and virgin raw materials (with their own environmental issues); larger quantities of pure water and electricity for associated manufacturing; less packaging per unit; availability of technology to wider swaths of society due to greater affordability of products; and diminished use of landfills.Audiovisual components, televisions, VCRs, stereo equipment, mobile phones, other handheld devices, and computer components contain valuable elements and substances suitable for reclamation, including lead, opper, and gold. One of the major challenges is recycling the printed circuit boards from the electronic wastes. The circuit boards contain such precious metals as gold, silver, platinum, etc. and such base metals as copper, iron, aluminum, etc. Conventional method employed is mechanical shredding and separation but the recycling efficiency is low.Alternative methods such as cryogenic decomposition have been studied for printed circuit board recycling, and some other methods are still under investigation. Hazardous Americium: smoke alarms (radioactive source). Mercury: fluorescent tubes (numerous applications), tilt switches (mechanical oorbell s, thermostats). [37] Sulfur: lead-acid batteries. PBBs: Predecessor of PCBs. Also used as flame retardant. Banned from 1973-1977 on. PCBs: prior to ban, almost all 1930s-1970s equipment, including capacitors, transformers, wiring insulation, paints, inks, and flexible sealants. Banned during the 1980s.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Science 6..11-12 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Science 6..11-12 - Assignment Example Dead zones represent low-oxygen areas (hypoxic areas) in the world’s coastline and lakes. All organisms need oxygen to survive. The absence or low oxygen levels in these areas make it impossible for organisms to survive hence the term dead zone. The Gulf of Mexico gives a quintessential example of one such area. According to National Geographic, in 2010, the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone was approximately 20,140 square kilometers. It has a seasonal hypoxic zone that forms every year in late summer. Its size varies from less than 5,000 square kilometers to approximately 22,000 square kilometers. The primary cause of dead zone formation is human activities. The upsurge in population has led to an increase in intensive agricultural and industrial activities. These activities lead to the emission of nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment i.e. soil, water and air. These are washed off into water basins such as oceans and lakes. These nutrients increase the fertility of the marine ecosystem; organisms like phytoplankton, algae and seaweed grow rapidly (algal bloom). This prevents the penetration of sunlight and absorption of oxygen by organisms living beneath the water surface leading to the reduction of the organisms immensely through death. Due to low-oxygen and available nutrients, the organisms (phytoplankton, algae and seaweed) eventually die and sink to the bottom of the sea where they are decomposed by bacteria. Oxygen can flow freely but is eventually used up by the process of decomposition leading to low-oxygen (hypoxia). Organisms that live beneath die or wither and others like the fish flee and a dead zone is formed. Several methods can be embraced to reduce the occurrence of dead zones. The use of synthetic fertilizers can be discontinued or reduced as they contain large quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus. Farmers can also use natural sources like compost and manure and adopt farming methods like contour cropping and no-till to reduce
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
A Personal Manifesto on Success and Happiness Research Paper
A Personal Manifesto on Success and Happiness - Research Paper Example As the paper declares work as a noun defines an activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. Another conception of the word work is that it is an activity as a means of earning income or employment. From these two concepts of work can be drawn different perceptions. Work as merely an act of doing something productive and work as an activity that generates income such as employment. The latter concept of work suits the definition that is widely known by most people. Having a job, an employment, running a business, all these are confined in the context of work that has an end goal of making money, salary, income or profit. According to the report findings the history of work is far rooted in the history of mankind. How work is viewed today is a byproduct of human experiences along the path of historical milestones of men. The concept of work can be traced back even into the realms of the Bible. God said to Adam, "In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou return to the ground". Even in the beginning according to the Bible, God assigned the allegedly first ever work to Adam. Work then can be described as some activities that need sweating in order to eat. In that sense it would tilling the soil and planting and growing plants to bear fruits to eat. Work then spells really hard work and is contrasted with leisure as Adam Smith puts it as toil and trouble. Thus leisure is a different story from work that is why according to the bible God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work. (Genesis 3:19 as cited by Dupre and Gagnier). If to rely alon e from the following context it can be concluded that God wants people to work really hard during work days and set a separate day for leisure which is somewhat deviated from the modern context of work that can go along with playâ€â€having fun while working all at the same time. People of yesteryears works comparatively different than modern people does work. The work they knew then was more on physical exertion. Tracing back the first humans, they did not work in the way that we understand it today. Primitively like before, our ancestors spent much of their time searching for food and shelter, a short-term and endlessly repeated process that was necessary for survival (The Readers Digest Australia). This repeated process lead to the definition of work division wherein some are hunters and others are gatherers and basically women do the cooking for the whole group to survive and move on. Work in this essence brings definition to food and survival. The idea of the working day is a product of
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